Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Friday, November 5, 2010
After MUCH tenuous effort, we are extremely proud to announce that our revised and extended edition of 'Glorious Times' is currently finished, and now in the hands of our new printer.
Bigger and better than before! 160 pages of massively rare and mostly unseen photographs, tied together with sentiment and reflections from the very people who lived the era - the GLORIOUS TIMES.
Bands featured: Acheron, Autopsy, Baphomet, Brutality, Cannibal Corpse, Cryptic Slaughter, Dark Angel, Death, Deceased, Deicide, Derketa, Disharmonic Orchestra, Exmortis, Groovy Aardvark, Hellwitch, Hideous Mangleus, Immolation, Impetigo, Incantation, Incubus, Insanity, Lethal Aggression, Malevolent Creation, Massacre, Massappeal, Master, Morbid Angel, Napalm Death, Nocturnus, Nokturnel, Nuclear Death, Overthrow, Paineater, Possessed, Prime Evil, Revenant, Righteous Pigs, Ripping Corpse, Sacrifice, Slaughter, Soothsayer, Terrorain, Tirant Sin, Unseen Terror, Vomit, Wehrmacht and Where's The Pope?
Every band section is different, some in a small way, many in MAJOR WAYS!
You won't want to miss this!
Price per copy is $30 plus $3 shipping and handling.
Payment can be made by PayPal to glorioustimesdeathbook@gmail.com
Get in touch FIRST if making orders of more than 1 copy.
DISTROS: get in touch with us about how many you want, and we'll give you the pricing details.
*OUTSIDE OF USA : Copies will not be available until we get the books back and can quote postage rates based on world region. For overseas orders, we don't know postage yet, but we do know that the more copies you buy the cheaper postage is per book, so if your friends are interested you should all put your orders together to be shipped to one address, you'll save a bunch. ex. for the 1st printing to ship one book overseas it cost $17.64 (book weighed 1.85 #), but to ship 8 books the cost was @ $60 (just under $8 a book).
DISTROS OUTSIDE OF USA: get in touch with us!
Friday, September 10, 2010
We continue the glory, as a testament to the times that were bonded by the selfless exploits of the individuals that made up the zine contingent. We'd originally intended to run a megaton blog, but the sheer volume of material that has come to hand by our friends and colleagues has been mind blowing, so we have decided to run this as an ongoing series as something a little different which adds to the flavour of the Glorious Times.
Zine specific artwork was another feature of the talented Bob Plante from Disturbed zine. This piece from 1987 created for Ed Farshtey's The Book of Armageddon zine . (courtesy - Bob Plante)
There's no schedule to when we'll feature flashbacks from some of the men (and hopefully the women too) who took to propagandizing the pioneers of extreme music, it'll happen when it happens. For now, please enjoy the ultra rare images and stories, and gain yet more insight into what is was to be on the front line of the glory.
ED FARSHTEY from The Book of Armageddon zine:

Issue #1 of The Book of Armageddon. (courtesy - Ed Farshtey)
I first started The Book of Armageddon back in the summer of 1985 with my good friend Mark Sokoll. We both had the same musical interests and we also wanted to be more involved in the underground.Buying records and going to shows was great, but there was more of a calling to actually become involved in this growing scene.
At that time the only way to learn about new bands was through reading the few true metal magazines like Metal Forces, Kerrang, Aardschok, Metal Hammer, World Metal Report and then there were the independent fanzines that would turn up in your local record store that really exposed the underground to the world. Some of the originators were Slayer, D.O.D., Metal Warriors, Total Thrash, Blackthorn, and of course Kick Ass Monthly. So me and Mark decided to put our ideas together and The Book of Armageddon was born.
The logo used for The Book of Armageddon #5. (courtesy Ed Farshtey)
The name was stolen from Venom’s ‘At War with Satan’ record, since it seemed the perfect name for a fanzine. The first issue came out late spring 1986. We had both been contacting some of out favorite bands and keeping correspondence with them, so we did some interviews, through the mail of course. That’s right, back then if we wanted to interview Tom Warrior we would send him questions in the mail and wait a month or 2 or sometimes longer to get them back.
Yeah! Even featuring Papsmear! The 3rd issue of The Book of Armageddon. (courtesy - Ed Farshtey)
After the first issue me and Mark didn’t see other as often, and as he was getting involved in the growing hardcore scene, I was still rooted in the underground so he only contributed a couple items to future issues and I continued on myself. I did only 4 issues, averaged 1 a year. Each issue got bigger and bigger and I managed to get the zine around the world and I am happy to say that each issue was very well received and respected in the underground. Back when I started the zine it was simply xeroxed at a local copy store. So it didn’t cost that much really.
Ed 2010 with GT!
Ed 2010 with GT!
The first 2 issues were straight xerox jobs and I probably made half the copies at my dad’s office on the weekends. I would make an initial 200 or so up at the copy store and then make more as the demand increased. The later issues were more expensive since I started having the pictures scanned first and actually had them printed instead of just copied. The most expensive aspect of producing the zine was of course shipping costs. But that came with the territory.
The content was all about the underground. Each issue would feature the top thrash and early death metal bands from around the world as well as exposing all sorts of up and coming bands. The first issue had interviews with Bathory, Celtic Frost, Death, Possessed and of course Dark Angel. They were always a must. I did extensive interviews with Gene Hoglan in every issue. They were the greatest thrash band ever, so why not.
Dark Angel's Gene Hoglan, at the Dark Angel Altar, which was Ed's room! (photo - courtesy Ed Farshtey)
I would review countless new albums and demos that I got, whether I bought them, traded for them or they were sent as promos. I tried to be honest and I ripped into a lot of releases and praised anything I really liked. I used to take a lot of pictures back then so I always had photos for the zine.
Issue #2 had interviews with Kreator, Slayer, Darkness, Razor, Cryptic Slaughter and both Death and Dark Angel again. Issue #3 had Dark Angel, Voivod, Deathrow, Necrodeath, Aggression, Napalm Death, Thanatos, and more. My final issue came out in 1990, it was my 4th issue and it was certainly my biggest and best yet, with interviews with Voivod, Prime Evil, Sepultura, Armoros, Num Skull, Gargoyle, Dark Angel of course, and more, plus countless album, demo, and show reviews. It was issue #4 that really took off. By that time I had firmly embedded myself deep in the underground and had made countless contacts so I ran through I believe 1000 copies.
Issue #4 of The Book of Armageddon. The issue that blew it all wide open. (courtesy - Ed Farshtey)
I was working on issue #5 when I started working at Roadrunner Records and I just didn’t have the time to get it completed. It was gonna be a monster issue with 18 interviews done including Autopsy, Deceased, Prime Evil, Malevolent Creation, Destruction, Immolation, O.L.D., Death, Ripping Corpse, Mutilated, Exmortis and more. I even had a massive 11 page interview with Dark Angel. I had done plenty of interviews and tons of reviews but it just started getting dated and I didn’t have the time to keep updating it, so I decided to put the zine to rest.
Because I would review anything that I really liked, I would often review demos I received through tape trading. Since I had been involved with trading since 1984, I was always getting new tapes with new demos.Reviewing these random demos led to many of my most cherished friendships from the time. The most important was with the band Prime Evil. I had reviewed their debut demo in issue #3 cause I loved it and after my zine came out, bassist Mary Ciullo wrote me and I instantly built a strong relationship with the whole band that lasted for years, and is still evident today. I ended up releasing their only 7” on my label Rage Records and wrote the liner notes for their cd that King Fowley put out.
Summer 1989 in DC at a Prime Evil gig. Left to Right: Beans from Curious Goods 'zine (holding The Book of Armageddon zine), Prime Evil's roadie, Todd from Prime Evil, Unknown, Gary from Prime Evil, Jeff Vanderrklute from Metal Meltdown zine, Ed Farshtey and Andy from Prime Evil. (photo - courtesy Ed Farshtey)
Mark Odechuck & Bob White (Paineater) with Rob Sexton - whom made up part of the Florida based band TORSO. Seen here in 1989 with copies of Bryan Daniel's Invincible Force 'zine. (photo - Bryan Daniel)
Ultimatum zine editor Kim August (far right) with Chuck Schuldiner (in back) and HenryVeggian (far left). Outside the infamous Streets, New Rochelle, NY 1988 (photo - courtesy Henry Veggian)
Mary even attended my wedding. Prime Evil I loved, a band that I openly hated back then was Nun Slaughter. I would rag on their early recordings, and because of my honesty, me and Don became good friends, and still are today. Thankfully as they improved I grew to really like them, but I remember sitting in my car back at a Morbid Angel, Acheron, Revenant show in DC listening to the newest Nun Slaughter and telling him I didn’t like it and him respecting that. It’s this honest relationship we all had that kept us friends and feeding off each others opinions and criticisms.
Mark Odechuck & Bob White (Paineater) with Rob Sexton - whom made up part of the Florida based band TORSO. Seen here in 1989 with copies of Bryan Daniel's Invincible Force 'zine. (photo - Bryan Daniel)
The relationships that formed back then are still the strongest of any I’ve ever had and have transcended time and distance. We were all a part of something new and for the first time in most of our lives, we really felt like this is where we belonged. There were a bunch of us around the world that wanted to spread the music through our writings. We weren’t looking for fame or riches, just to help support the scene. That was the time of the fanzines.
Ultimatum zine editor Kim August (far right) with Chuck Schuldiner (in back) and HenryVeggian (far left). Outside the infamous Streets, New Rochelle, NY 1988 (photo - courtesy Henry Veggian)
Some of my early counterparts included Bloodshed, Cerebral Holocaust, Chainletter, Chainsaw Abortions, Chapel of Ghouls, Codcore, Curious Goods, Death Vomit, Decapitated, Decibels Storm, Disposable Underground, Emanzipation, Eternal Darkness, F.E.T.U., Final Holocaust, Infernal Bleeding, Invincible Force, Metal Meltdown, Metal Core, Metal Curse, Metal Frontline, Metallian, Metallic Butcher, Morbid, Mortician, No Glam Fags, Out of the Underground, Peardrop, Ripping Headaches, Screams from the Gutter, Sick Thrash, Skull Session, Ultimatum, and many more. We all supported one another by printing and circulating each others ads and there was no competition between us. It was all about promoting the music and carving a little niche for ourselves in the underground.
Long before the internet or cell phones or even faxes we had to put a lot of effort into keeping up with our correspondence and finding out about the newest bands, no matter what country they came from. And fanzines were the best way to get the info to the people. We were all drawn into the underground, helped form it, and helped it grow into the monster it became The bands created the music we loved and it was up to the fanzines to help promote them and spread their name around the world.
Morrisound Studios, Tampa Florida 1990 during the Cannibal Corpse 'Eaten Back To Life' sessions - Left to Right: Bryan Daniel (Invincible Force 'zine), Alan Moses (Buttface 'zine) and Bruce Davis (Ripping Headaches 'zine). (photo - Francis Howard from Incubus)
One of the classic zine covers, in this case, Metal Core #3 (courtesy - Chris Forbes)
Way back in early 1986 I was going to some underground shows in Phila, PA seeing bands like Blacktask and Anvil Bitch at the Empire Rock Club and I started buying and then becoming friends with Scott Helig, who was doing a zine called Total Thrash. At one point he asked and I did a few interviews and a few reviews for his zine and at one point I was giving him so much material that he suggested that I start my own zine. I took that up as some sort of challenge and because I was buying demos, zines, etc I decided what the heck I can do this and decided to start my own. I ended up printing up 150 issues of my 1st issue, and I actually printed a couple extra copies, which I still have.
Modern day: Chris Forbes with John Verica (Decaying Visions Video 'zine)
Most of the music I covered, at least in the old days back in the 80's was mostly thrash and early death metal.My first issue came out in December of 1986. My first couple issues I interviewed such bands as Savage Thrust, Savage Death, Black Task, Dark Angel, Possessed, Machine Dog, Anvil Bitch, Faith or Fear, At War, etc. The early issues were pretty much basic stuff like interviews, demo and album (remember no such thing as CD's yet) reviews, zine ads, etc. I did 30 issues before, in 2001, I folded the print version as it was hard getting labels to commit to ads and with the internet becoming a huge thing, print zines at this time were few and far between.
Metal Core #5, showing the variety of bands covered, and also the glowing fire of artist Bob Plante from Disturbed 'zine, whose work was being utilized around the zine world from Australia to Norway to here at home on US soil. (courtesy - Chris Forbes)
The first issue of Metal Core which was made available free of charge, #25! (courtesy - Chris Forbes)
Metal Core #5, showing the variety of bands covered, and also the glowing fire of artist Bob Plante from Disturbed 'zine, whose work was being utilized around the zine world from Australia to Norway to here at home on US soil. (courtesy - Chris Forbes)
After issue 24, I made the zine free, so from issue # 25 till # 30 the zine was free and it was on newsprint and I was printing and getting rid of 10,000 copies. So I had to at least make a certain amount of money from ads and stuff to keep printing 10,000 copies. Actually when I went to newsprint and started giving the zine away, I easily got rid of 10,000 copies. I would drop off over a 1000 at a store in NJ called Vintage Vinyl and also get rid of a bunch at shows and at the Milwaukee and NJ Deathfest's in the late 80's and in 2000 and 2001. All the issues are long gone, but I think I have like 3 extra copies of issue 30 lying around. The zine has never ended and I just do it on line now.
The first issue of Metal Core which was made available free of charge, #25! (courtesy - Chris Forbes)
I explained that above and I was having a problem with coming up with a name and in early 1986 SOD (Stormtroopers of Death) and Overkill did a short 7 date tour that they dubbed the "Metal Core" tour so I thought that would be a cool name for a zine and so I stole the name from that tour he he.
Chris and Maria Abril at NJ Metalfest 2001 (courtesy - Chris Forbes)
Zines were one of the few ways you could discover new bands! There was no internet, no My Space and no big metal mags that were covering this stuff. I mean you had Kerrang and a bit later on Metal Forces, but zines were the way you could read interviews with unsigned bands and read reviews of unsigned bands from all over the world. The best mag I ever read was the sadly missed Kick Ass Monthly. Bob the editor of the mag (rip) was simply the best. I worshipped that mag. When I first started doing the zine I would go up to Rock N Roll Heaven in Old Bridge, NJ and buy every zine I could and then I would go and write (that's right...WRITE) and bands that had demos reviewed and would start requesting them to send me a demo to review.
Chris and Jenn Matthews from Metal Mafia zine at Milwaukee Metalfest 1998. (courtesy - Chris Forbes)
Another cool thing was flooding each letter I wrote with flyers I got from various bands and other zines. Old timers will remember those days as I would write letter after letter and stuff as many flyers as I could fit in a letter and back in the day I also made tons of flyers for my zine. Another thing I did was I was and still am very honest in my reviews. if I love you I will praise you, but if I hate you, I will trash you. I do not kiss ass....
Chris Forbes (Metal Core), Tom Wren (Metal Nightmare) and Chris from Bloodstorm. Milwaukee Metalfest 1998. (courtesy - Chris Forbes)
Full of personal highlights, Metal Core #10 still ranks high on Chris' list. (courtesy - Chris Forbes)
Seems like such a strange thing to the new breed, but this cover sums up the glory, borderless scenes where anything could happen musically - ushering in levels of creativity alien to today's plastic mainstream of cookie cutter, rehashed music resting on the shoulders of the cliques. Metal Core #2, our scene in a single drawing! (courtesy - Chris Forbes)
I'll never forget the first package I got and that was from Combat Records and they sent me Possessed and Dark Angel to review. It was great going to Lamour's in Brooklyn back in the day and seeing Slayer, Overkill, Carnivore, Savage Thrust, Biohazard, and many others. All the great shows I saw at City Garden's in Trenton and at the Slayer "Reign in Blood" tour I dove off the stage during "Chemical Warfare" and everybody moved and I hit the floor and almost didn't get up.
Full of personal highlights, Metal Core #10 still ranks high on Chris' list. (courtesy - Chris Forbes)
Interviewing Metallica for issue # 10. Having Phil Demmel from Violence telling me I was the first zine to review their demo for issue # 2. Having Combat Records invite me backstage when they were doing the Ultimate Revenge 2 taping at the Troc in Phila. All those times after shows at Lamour's, G Wilkers, City Gardens, The Empire Rock Club, Bonnie's and other clubs trying to get people to buy my zine. Seeing 10,000 copies of issue 25 when I went to newsprint and wondering how in the hell I am going to get rid of all those copies. Going to those old Milwaukee Metalfest Shows and meeting people that I had only known from writing letters back and forth. Another thing is I was getting so much mail at one point so I got a Po Box and to this day I still get a thrill going and opening up my box and seeing a cd in there that some band or label sent to me to review.
Check out one of the longest running underground zine legends:
Seems like such a strange thing to the new breed, but this cover sums up the glory, borderless scenes where anything could happen musically - ushering in levels of creativity alien to today's plastic mainstream of cookie cutter, rehashed music resting on the shoulders of the cliques. Metal Core #2, our scene in a single drawing! (courtesy - Chris Forbes)
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Original Death Records roster t-shirt circa 1987. (photo - Alan Moses)
With a consistently strong fan base, there were few countries this band's recordings reached during the tape trading epoch of the Glorious Times that did not herald them on the most high, and deservedly so. Undeniably inspirational, in arguably influential, once this band of young bloods hit the scene in the mid 1980's, and produced a low budget demo tape called 'Life In Grave' - lives began to change all over the world.
Cryptic Slaughter bootleg merch abounds today, in the GT it was harder to find anything bearing the logo, this button boot was picked up in 1988. (photo - Alan Moses)
With a consistently strong fan base, there were few countries this band's recordings reached during the tape trading epoch of the Glorious Times that did not herald them on the most high, and deservedly so. Undeniably inspirational, in arguably influential, once this band of young bloods hit the scene in the mid 1980's, and produced a low budget demo tape called 'Life In Grave' - lives began to change all over the world.
Cryptic Slaughter bootleg merch abounds today, in the GT it was harder to find anything bearing the logo, this button boot was picked up in 1988. (photo - Alan Moses)
Many people deeply entrenched in the extreme music underground began to investigate 'the other sides of the fence' and this short tape was one of the tools which gave cause for many to break free from the redundant 'heavy metal scene' and/or the repetitious punk rock scenes in their respective locations.
It's been 23 years since Scott Peterson was interviewed for Buttface #1, at that time perhaps their most widely accepted record 'Money Talks' had just been recorded and due for release. We were all expecting great things indeed from this amazingly young and fierce Santa Monica act, and weren't disappointed, until the abrupt end of what was one of the highest ranking influences on extreme music today.
According to Scott, these are the absolute earliest photos of Cryptic Slaughter to have been taken. (courtesy - Scott Peterson)
Treasuring the contact of past days, almost two and a half decades later, we jumped at the opportunity to catch up with Scott again for the primary reasons to just see how life's been for the man and to gain Cryptic Slaughter's inclusion in our possible revised reprint of our book: Glorious Times. What came out of all that are some very special flashbacking moments and the ability to shed some more light on what has been going on for Scott during all these years.
Throughout the interview Scott has also shared some candid personal photos with us, and given a little comment about them too! STOKED!
It is with the utmost pleasure that GT is able to bring you a very recent chat with legendary Cryptic Slaughter drummer and United Shoe Brother: Scott Peterson!
These were the days! Can you even imagine this? Well, if you were one of the lucky one, of course you were there!
It's been 23 years since Scott Peterson was interviewed for Buttface #1, at that time perhaps their most widely accepted record 'Money Talks' had just been recorded and due for release. We were all expecting great things indeed from this amazingly young and fierce Santa Monica act, and weren't disappointed, until the abrupt end of what was one of the highest ranking influences on extreme music today.
According to Scott, these are the absolute earliest photos of Cryptic Slaughter to have been taken. (courtesy - Scott Peterson)
Treasuring the contact of past days, almost two and a half decades later, we jumped at the opportunity to catch up with Scott again for the primary reasons to just see how life's been for the man and to gain Cryptic Slaughter's inclusion in our possible revised reprint of our book: Glorious Times. What came out of all that are some very special flashbacking moments and the ability to shed some more light on what has been going on for Scott during all these years.
Throughout the interview Scott has also shared some candid personal photos with us, and given a little comment about them too! STOKED!
It is with the utmost pleasure that GT is able to bring you a very recent chat with legendary Cryptic Slaughter drummer and United Shoe Brother: Scott Peterson!
These were the days! Can you even imagine this? Well, if you were one of the lucky one, of course you were there!
GT: You were what, 14 years old when you joined CS? How long had you been playing drums up until that point?
SCOTT: I had been playing (serious wise) for maybe 6 months before I joined CS. So once I got in CS I obviously started playing more and practicing more, and just like any instrument, the more you play/practice the better you get. But I've always loved drums and still do to this day, it's the best instrument (in my opinion) in the world!
Above and below: original vinyl 'Convicted'. (photos - Alan Moses)
GT: Did you ever try or consider taking up other instruments besides drums during this formative time?
SCOTT: Well in one band I played samples/keyboards and a little bit of rhythm guitar. I am the bar chord king. But I'm a drummer and that's what I will always be. Even though I love singing/screaming I feel the most comfortable behind the kit banging the shit out of it!
GT: CS broke up in 1988, really not that long after the release of the 3rd record 'Stream Of Consciousness' which we consider as strong an album as the previous 2 musically (not production wise of course). For how long had you continued playing drums from that time period on anyways?
SCOTT: I took a year off from music and drumming after CS broke up, but then I got back to playing drums and being in bands. I still play drums to this day and I will always play drums regardless if I'm in a band or not.
Above and below: original vinyl 'Stream Of Consciousness'. (photos - Alan Moses)
GT: Can you still remember anyone commenting on just how young you were back then? Those early photos were inspirational even in those days of the mid 80's, let alone now 20 odd years have passed.
SCOTT: Our age always comes up as it still does to this day. I think it's rad that by the age of 15 I already had a record contract and was in a band with a 3 other teenagers and we were able to make killer fucking music together. I think our age helped get our name out and make people pay a little more attention to us. Like fuck these 4 kids are making this fucking fast ass music!!!?!?
Can't think of too many 14 year olds having something like this under their belt. This shirt survived the test of time just like the Cryptic's legacy! (photo- Alan Moses)
GT: We recall an interview some time ago you had done when you stated a feeling that you could never go back to playing drums because you couldn't play like you used to any more. Is this still the case Scott?
SCOTT: Well what I meant was that if I was ever going to do a band like the speed of CS that I would have to get back into doing it. Keep in mind, since CS I haven't been in a blast beat type of band. I've played in punk bands and we were fast, but to do a whole set of CS speed songs I would have to get back in shape. I'm not 14 any more ya know!! LOL!!
This image is based on a scan of an original CS sticker from 1986. (photo - Alan Moses)
GT: What of the plans Les was talking to our friend Laurent Ramadier about? Les told him he was working on new CS material which would feature the old line up minus Bill on vocals and minus you on drums...the idea fizzle out or become revised? That was around the time of the Relapse reissues, yet we've heard from you that you all were pretty happy leaving things as they were left back when we were kids, so what's the scoop there?
SCOTT: That's more a question for Les than for me. But when it came about he mentioned to me that he wanted to do new CS songs. but wanted Brian from Wehrmacht to play drums instead of me. I was cool about it and even told him I had no desire to go back in time and try to be in CS again. I'm happy with what we did and I think it should be left there and I know Rob and Bill feel the same way. And I know now that Les feels the same way, I think it was just more of a thought then actually bringing CS back from the dead.
Scott shot a pic of himself on his patio in July 2010, which he calls 'Bad Habit'. (photo - Scott Peterson)
GT: Did you ever record anything after CS closed up shop? Rob went on with Ozzy and Danzig as an example, Les tried to keep CS going with the 4th record Brian did drums on - did you participate in any recordings with different bands, or did you roadie or tech or anything?
SCOTT: I actually recorded 3 records since CS broke up, not at the level Rob is at, but he was actually involved in 2 of the recordings, so that was bad ass. I recorded a record while I was playing samples in a band called "Fear Is Fatal", we were like Soundgarden meets U2. The second band was a NOFX/Bad Religion punk band called "So Abused" and the last band was "Black Monday". We were in the vein of old Social D. and Supersuckers. So Abused and Black Monday aren't together any more, but you can find us on myspace.
(photo - Marco Sanchez)
"This photo was taken when I played drums for Black Monday. We were a good mixture of old Social D. and old Bad Religion. This was photo was taken at a show at the Key Club, not sure of the date."
-Scott Peterson GT: How long have you been back in touch with various members of the original line up? And what of any of your other friends and contacts from the original days, still up with any of those cronies?
SCOTT: I've been back in touch with the guys since 1991 and we still remain friends till this day. And all our old friends from back in the days I still either talk to or still hang out with. It's great still knowing all these people and seeing how we're all still the same, just older. LOL!!
Above and below: original vinyl 'Money Talks'. (photos - Alan Moses)
GT: You did that killer radio show with Adam Bomb, he had the whole Final Countdown thing going, and those tapes that leaked around are some of the classic peeks into the era. What was that like in general anyways, and do you know whatever happened to him? He seemed like a really killer dude, we know he championed you guys big time too.
SCOTT: I don't know what happen to him, but man he was a killer fucking dude and his show helped soooooooooooooooooooooooooo many bands get known. Every time we were on that show we had a killer time. Even if we weren't on the show we would listen to it or we would just call him and let him know we were coming down. He was always down for CS and like I said, he help get our name out there. I would say besides Katon (Hirax) and Chuck (Death) he was our biggest fan.
(photo - courtesy Alyssa Sandoval)
"At one of our local dives. What can I say, I love Pabst. My pops used to drink Pabst back in the day, so I guess you can say like father, like son!"
-Scott Peterson
GT: Did you stay in the general area you grew up in Scott or did you move around the US or elsewhere like many of us have done over the years?
GT: Did you stay in the general area you grew up in Scott or did you move around the US or elsewhere like many of us have done over the years?
SCOTT: Yeah I did. I was born and raised in Santa Monica. I love L.A. and I don't think I could live any where else. All my family and friends are here, so why would I leave. But you never know, maybe one day I'll go and retire in good old Austin, Texas. I love that place!
(photo - Pops Peterson)
"This photo was taking by my pops of me and Hutch. It's the only picture I have of him where he doesn't look happy. I'm glad I stopped sporting the clean shaven look though."
- Scott Peterson
GT: Most metal haven's are industrialized cities with factory backdrops, cities filled with hard working blue collar people. To outsiders at least, our image of the Northwest is of greenery and lush forests. What about the Northwest made it possible for bands such as Cryptic Slaughter and Wehrmacht to germinate their own special sound?
GT: Most metal haven's are industrialized cities with factory backdrops, cities filled with hard working blue collar people. To outsiders at least, our image of the Northwest is of greenery and lush forests. What about the Northwest made it possible for bands such as Cryptic Slaughter and Wehrmacht to germinate their own special sound?
SCOTT: Well we weren't from the same area as Wehrmacht. They were from Portland and we're from Santa Monica. But growing up near the beach, skating and riding bikes we didn't have much to be pissed off about. We were very lucky to have grown up where we did. I don't think where we lived helped develop our sound, it was the bands we were influenced by that did.
(photo - courtesy Scott Peterson)
"This picture is when I was playing drums for the hillbilly band "The Ditch Diggers". This photo was taken in good old Las Vegas when we were doing a small tour, as you can see I was having a good time!"
- Scott Peterson
GT: How's the scene changed in your area, from your vantage point and experience, compared to it's hey day?
GT: How's the scene changed in your area, from your vantage point and experience, compared to it's hey day?
SCOTT: The way it has changed in my area is that there is no more scene. I know there's still shows and all, but it's not the same as when we were involved in it. You got to remember we were there when the scene first started, so it was exciting and new. It was a different time back then.
GT: It's certainly about time that you guys are being shown the respect you deserve, even though it's all these years later. What do you think about all this now days anyways, we were all kids then and created our own scene - you were 14 years old man. Good GOD! Yet now there are kids not much older than that now running about with their new CS shirts on and sending in photos of their picture disc reissues hehehe.
SCOTT: I think it's killer that people still remember us and hold such a high regard for us. It's flattering to say the least, but we all appreciate it so much. I'm also glad to see the younger generation being into CS and other bands like Death, Hirax, etc. It has to happen. Our fans from back in the days are now parents so they're turning their kids onto the music they listen to and it's great. Because of that CS and all the other bands will never die!
GT: How do you feel Scott now your are a bit long in the tooth like us? You've still got those youthful pretty boy good looks....hehe.
SCOTT: LOL!!! I feel pretty damn good to tell you the truth, but there's days where I do feel my age.
Legends bearing the mark of legends. King Fowley (Deceased) and Tom Stevens (Nokturnel) sexing it up at a recent CS apparel modeling shoot. (photo - Eloisa Stevens)
Legends bearing the mark of legends. King Fowley (Deceased) and Tom Stevens (Nokturnel) sexing it up at a recent CS apparel modeling shoot. (photo - Eloisa Stevens)
GT: When did you get away from the straight-edge life style you were living back in the old days anyways? Why was that?
SCOTT: I got away from it after CS, though I didn't start drinking till I was 21. I guess you can say that my Swedish, Russian and Irish heritage caught up to me! LOL! I never disliked drinking, it just wasn't something I cared about when I was a teenager and I'm glad that I didn't start drinking until I got older. I still don't do any drugs, the worst I do is drink beer and smoke cigarettes.
(photo - Alyssa Sandoval)
(photo - Alyssa Sandoval)
"This was taken by Alyssa on our trip to Santa Barbara. Great town, great time and great wines too!!!" -Scott Peterson
GT: Are you amazed that stuff you did nearly a quarter of a century ago as a kid is still held up in such high esteem by so many?
SCOTT: Yeah I am. I never thought that 20 something years later people would still be talking about us or even care about us, but I'm honored and happy that people do. It's great and I'm thankful for every CS fan out there since day one! It's because of guys like you that people still know who we are! So thank you!
GT: Still active in bands? or in the scene in some way? You've stepped up the web presence of CS's memory, that much is very evident, and as we said there's a good cross section of a fan base making itself known since you have been cool enough to upload photos and so on.
GT: Are you amazed that stuff you did nearly a quarter of a century ago as a kid is still held up in such high esteem by so many?
SCOTT: Yeah I am. I never thought that 20 something years later people would still be talking about us or even care about us, but I'm honored and happy that people do. It's great and I'm thankful for every CS fan out there since day one! It's because of guys like you that people still know who we are! So thank you!
GT: Still active in bands? or in the scene in some way? You've stepped up the web presence of CS's memory, that much is very evident, and as we said there's a good cross section of a fan base making itself known since you have been cool enough to upload photos and so on.
SCOTT: I stopped playing in touring bands in 2005 and stop playing in bands in 2009. I still go to shows and I still playing on recording music. But the days of getting in a van to tour or passing out flyer for shows is over. I'll always be around music no matter what. Well with the CS page it's there because the fan base is still there, which, like I said blows me away! So as long as there CS fans out there I will always make sure you guys know what's going on with us!
(photo - Alyssa Sandoval)
"Alyssa took this picture of me last year when we went to Disneyland. We had to escape for a bit and grab a couple of drinks in downtown Disney."
(photo - Alyssa Sandoval)
"Alyssa took this picture of me last year when we went to Disneyland. We had to escape for a bit and grab a couple of drinks in downtown Disney."
- Scott Peterson
GT: What was that last band you were doing vocals for anyway? We know you were up to something and for us having been out of touch with your shenanigans for so long we weren't even sure if you were still alive.
SCOTT: That was a band called "So Abused". I've done 3 tour of duties with those guys. The first 2 where on drums and the last one was with me and the other vocalist Scott. It was killer we had 2 guitar players, 2 singers and we're all jumping and flying around the stage. I'm still friends with those guys even though we're not a band any more.
SO ABUSED (photo - Lora B. of doggiestylephotography)
SCOTT: LOL!!! Yeah I did and still do. When I first met my girl, she said, wait, you're name is Scott Peterson?!?! Well fuck, we're never going fishing together that's for sure! LOL!! But he didn't kill his parents, it was his pregnant wife. What a piece of shit he is! I'm just glad I'm not that dude!
(photo - Alyssa Sandoval)
GT: What was that last band you were doing vocals for anyway? We know you were up to something and for us having been out of touch with your shenanigans for so long we weren't even sure if you were still alive.
SCOTT: That was a band called "So Abused". I've done 3 tour of duties with those guys. The first 2 where on drums and the last one was with me and the other vocalist Scott. It was killer we had 2 guitar players, 2 singers and we're all jumping and flying around the stage. I'm still friends with those guys even though we're not a band any more.
SO ABUSED (photo - Lora B. of doggiestylephotography)
"This is when I was one of two singers and was my third tour of duty with So Abused. It was taken before a show at a place called Liam's Irish Bar in Riverside, Calif.
It was a great band, with a great show and we always had a good time."
It was a great band, with a great show and we always had a good time."
-Scott Peterson
GT: Speaking of that, did you get a lot of shit around the time that guy with your name was on trial for killing his parents? When we heard about that one we both though "not the CS drummer!" hehe. Crazy but true, and we think maybe we're not the only people that thought this either.
SCOTT: LOL!!! Yeah I did and still do. When I first met my girl, she said, wait, you're name is Scott Peterson?!?! Well fuck, we're never going fishing together that's for sure! LOL!! But he didn't kill his parents, it was his pregnant wife. What a piece of shit he is! I'm just glad I'm not that dude!
(photo - Alyssa Sandoval)
"Alyssa's Pop and I. It was taken at our "Day Of The Dead" party that we have every year and this was his costume. Fucking great picture!"
-Scott Peterson
GT: Back on the scene thing - any bands that are still active that you really follow with a passion from the pioneering days? Out of curiosity, have you ever heard anything by Geriatric Unit (ex Heresy members and Glorious Times favourite)?
SCOTT: Well of course I still follow Hirax, Wehrmacht, The Accused, Exodus, Slayer and GBH. Can't say that I have ever heard of them, but I will check them out now that you mention them.
GT: What about the young bloods in today's scene, is there anything special to you coming from them? Out of curiosity, have you ever heard or seen Punch from California (another Glorious Times favourite).
SCOTT: Never heard of Punch, but I'll check into them as well. I'm not really into the new bands, the only one that comes to my mind is a band from Oakland called "Saviours". They just played the second stage at Ozzfest and just imagine Black Sabbath meets Exodus, killer band!
(photo - Lora B. of doggiestylephotography)
GT: Back on the scene thing - any bands that are still active that you really follow with a passion from the pioneering days? Out of curiosity, have you ever heard anything by Geriatric Unit (ex Heresy members and Glorious Times favourite)?
SCOTT: Well of course I still follow Hirax, Wehrmacht, The Accused, Exodus, Slayer and GBH. Can't say that I have ever heard of them, but I will check them out now that you mention them.
GT: What about the young bloods in today's scene, is there anything special to you coming from them? Out of curiosity, have you ever heard or seen Punch from California (another Glorious Times favourite).
SCOTT: Never heard of Punch, but I'll check into them as well. I'm not really into the new bands, the only one that comes to my mind is a band from Oakland called "Saviours". They just played the second stage at Ozzfest and just imagine Black Sabbath meets Exodus, killer band!
(photo - Lora B. of doggiestylephotography)
"This one was taken by my friend Lora B with her dog Booh, Lora took a lot of photos for the band So Abused that I was in."
- Scott Peterson GT: Did little Scotty Peterson, pioneering drummer of age 14 years, ever settle down so to speak, and get hitched or have kids later on in life? We know you are an Uncle and you love that title to death.
SCOTT: LOL!! I gave marriage a shot twice in my 20's but they didn't last because I was too young and never should have gotten married. But what can you do, but learn from it and move on. No kids for me. My girl has a son, so we're waiting for him to have kids and I'll be happy being a grandpa and a step dad. Plus I have close friends with kids along with my girls niece and they all call me Uncle Scotch, so life is good in that area!
(photo - courtesy Scott Peterson)
"This photo was taken by my old roommate when I was living in the valley, we didn't have a pool, so we would fill the hot tub with cold water and sit in there to cool off and have some beers!"
SCOTT: LOL!! I gave marriage a shot twice in my 20's but they didn't last because I was too young and never should have gotten married. But what can you do, but learn from it and move on. No kids for me. My girl has a son, so we're waiting for him to have kids and I'll be happy being a grandpa and a step dad. Plus I have close friends with kids along with my girls niece and they all call me Uncle Scotch, so life is good in that area!
(photo - courtesy Scott Peterson)
"This photo was taken by my old roommate when I was living in the valley, we didn't have a pool, so we would fill the hot tub with cold water and sit in there to cool off and have some beers!"
- Scott Peterson
GT: What about the other members of CS and any other friends from back in the glorious times? We know Duffy just got married and has a youngin, and Brian Lehfeldt has a son too - it's kinda cool to learn about how life has gone for these people whose music is a huge part of our lives.
SCOTT: Les has a 12 year old son who's killer at skating and playing soccer. Bill has a daughter and is happily married. And Rob is happily married and kicking major ass in OZZY! We're all still friends and we're all still alive and happy!
(photo - Lora B. from doggiestylephotography)
" This is my family's dog Hutch, he's an amazing, kick ass dog. He's 85 pounds of pure love and my best friend!"
"I think it's awesome that you guys are doing the book! We weren't in the first installment, but will be in the new one and I can't wait to see the book and read it. I'm spreading the word about you guys and your book, I know it's going to be a major success and thanks for including CS in it!!!!"
and finally, if you'd like to investigate the band Scott said has peaked his interest, here's a link to them too:
*We'd like to thank Uncle Scotch again for the amazing catch up session which we have hoped for, for so dam long, we really appreciate you sharing some great photos with us too. It is the closest thing to sitting and having a couple beers and thumbing through the old photo albums.
Thanks to Bernd Backhaus who innocently aided and abetted this, and to Eloisa Stevens for her magnificent photo of Tom and Kingsleypooh in their crooning attire for all seasons - which never gets outdated. THE ALMIGHTY CRYPTIC SLAUGHTER!
Friday, August 27, 2010
The bottom line is that the scene in general was glued together by the underground 'zines. Hand in hand then with their tape trading brethren (often one in the same), a crusade was undertaken to bring unholy writ to the furthest corners of the Earth. Few locations were left without some semblance of underground activity – and all for extreme music of one form or another, most of which promoted politics or messages of almost every kind.

The zines became the prophets; raising the alarm to new bands that were championing sounds and styles that had never been seen or heard before. Given, some bands were then being influenced by newly crowned leaders, but over all the 'zines were heralding the fact that a new dawn had arrived for this music.
There may have been glossy magazines out there, but hardly pioneering where they in their spirit of solidarity with the underground idea. The advocates for what was coming, having the insight of decades of observation and hands on experience – it's easily seen to the discriminating eye that most if not all of the glossy magazines of the era pretty much spat right at the underground and it's kingpin bands – only to change tune and display some almost pornographic efforts to curry favour with the ones they'd forsaken years earlier.
You could find cartoons and artwork and even logos in many zines, which brought the humour and quality levels to new heights with the participation of guys like Bob Plante from Disturbed 'zine. (Photo - appeared in Buttface #2 1989 Australia)
Morbid Magazine shirt from Norway. Editor Ronny Eide, we believe, produced the first fully glossy underground magazine. (Photos - Alan Moses)
It wasn't because of a sudden ray of enlightenment opening the synapses to talent, but merely the cold hard reality of keeping a profit venture going, and watching the stale heavy metal scene spin in it's grave with the advent of Bay Area metal becoming rapidly unsellable. The formerly 'hardest metallers' to be found, suddenly faced the lesson of taking LSD and being shoved in front of a mirror – and they certainly hated what they saw.
A brooding and vindictive entity, greater than the sum of it's parts, cast them into a shadow that they have never been able to get out from underneath, except of course by swaying certain things into the commercial realm, which renders things mute from the biological vantage point of the glorious times.
Glorious Times editors Brian Pattison (Chainsaw Abortions) and Alan Moses (Buttface) former zines.
What is not contrived or distorted and what was not originally motivated by profit are the 'zines. And Glorious Times is a direct part of this entity, so we've been assembling some flashbacks from the LSD mirror, since combined, we are the ones that reflected misery and shallowness back upon the so called 'authority on matters'. This is a story of sheer dedication, unsponsored and raw, lacking the drives of profit or fame or notoriety. The 'zines primary objectives being to expose what was coming, unveil what was happening, and to give something back (on a physical level) to the bands that gave US some of the most memorable times of our early lives – and for a portion of us – what our lives have been since awakening to the music to begin with.
The pen, and also the photo-copy machine – were mightier than the sword. Share now some of the recollections from the front line of the glorious times. This is a multi-part series which we intend to spotlight as time and submissions allow. Enjoy!
A brooding and vindictive entity, greater than the sum of it's parts, cast them into a shadow that they have never been able to get out from underneath, except of course by swaying certain things into the commercial realm, which renders things mute from the biological vantage point of the glorious times.
Glorious Times editors Brian Pattison (Chainsaw Abortions) and Alan Moses (Buttface) former zines.
What is not contrived or distorted and what was not originally motivated by profit are the 'zines. And Glorious Times is a direct part of this entity, so we've been assembling some flashbacks from the LSD mirror, since combined, we are the ones that reflected misery and shallowness back upon the so called 'authority on matters'. This is a story of sheer dedication, unsponsored and raw, lacking the drives of profit or fame or notoriety. The 'zines primary objectives being to expose what was coming, unveil what was happening, and to give something back (on a physical level) to the bands that gave US some of the most memorable times of our early lives – and for a portion of us – what our lives have been since awakening to the music to begin with.
The pen, and also the photo-copy machine – were mightier than the sword. Share now some of the recollections from the front line of the glorious times. This is a multi-part series which we intend to spotlight as time and submissions allow. Enjoy!
JOE PUPO from The Rage of Violence 'zine:
Joe Pupo with his copy of the glory! (Photo - courtesy Joe Pupo)
I always look back at days of the underground in the 80s and early 90s as the fondest time of my life. It started for me in 1983 when I stopped into the local record store to buy something new. There it was, still in a box of new records: This album with a hammer and blood on the album cover. Of course it was Metallica's "Kill Em All". I hadn't heard anything like this before and I was instantly hooked.
Music kept getting faster and heavier. I started tape trading in 1984, then the scene started to explode in 1985 with bands like Exodus, Possessed, Kreator, Destruction, Dark Angel and so many more. I started going to a lot of shows, but I couldn't get enough of thrash and death metal.
Another of Bob Plante's classic cartoons which were known to pop up in the weirdest of locations in the zine world. (courtesy - Bob Plante)
The underground was growing so rapidly. There were so many great bands popping up all over the world: NY, SF, Tampa, Sweden, the UK, etc. At the time, you couldn't really read about death metal music in the mainstream mags, so people started writing their own fanzines. I bought every copy I had the chance to get. Looking back, tape trading and fanzines were the life-blood of the underground. They allowed us to spread the word about our great music. We were spread all over the world, but we were all connected through the Underground. It was an exciting time for music.
One day my friend Mike McPhillips and I decided to do our own fanzine. We thought if others could it, why not us? We certainly loved the music. It would be a chance to not only meet some of our favorite bands, but also spread the word about them. We needed a name and we wanted it to sound angry and violent, so we went with The Rage of Violence.
Some bands we interviewed in person like Kreator and Destruction, some by phone like Sepultura and Death, while the rest we did by mail. We had an interview with Nuclear Assault, so we put a picture of John Connelly on the cover. We also tried to feature some of lesser known (at the time) local bands like Revenant, Ripping Corpse, and Prime Evil.
When I worked at Atlantic Records, I did a short assignment in the Printing Department. So, I printed up about 500 copies of the fanzine and we sold out pretty quickly through mail order, at record stores, and at local shows. The orders kept coming in, so eventually I sold the few copies I put aside for myself. To this day, I don't even have a copy for myself.
I started writing a second issue of the fanzine. I hadn't completed it, but it was already longer than the first issue which was pretty big in itself. At the time, Ed Farshtey and I had been talking about starting up a record label. When I saw how expensive the quotes were from commercial printers and the second issue wasn't even completed yet, I decided to just invest the money into our record label. Sadly, that was the end of the Rage of Violence, but it was the beginning of Rage Records.
I have a lot of great memories from writing those two issues. I loved writing and I loved contributing to a scene that meant everything to me at the time. The best part of writing my zine was that I got to meet a lot of great people and bands. I remember meeting my good friend Mario Junco at show in Miami when I sold him a copy of the zine. I also remember a time when G.G. Allen wrote to me from prison demanding a copy (for free) of the Rage of Violence. Interviewing Mille from Kreator in the basement at LaMours was a thrill I'll never forget or the guys from Destruction at Sundance in Long Island. There were many more moments like that. Thank you for allowing me to re-live some of those memories. Glorious Times indeed.
The Mighty Soothsayer 1987 w/ Justin Ivey's War & Pain shirt! (Photo - courtesy Chris Petit)
JOHN DEATHRASHER from Deathrasher Mag:
Mainstream Glam was getting way too big in 1984, so we decided to make a DEATH, SPEED and HARDCORE fanzine called Death Thrasher Mag in early 1984 after reading zines like KICK ASS, METAL FORCES and so many more. I was 24 years old at that time.

Deathrasher #1 1984 (courtesy - John Deathrasher)
DEATHRASHER was a fan thing made by fans for the fans, not made by weekend warriors, and made for the love of METAL and all the great things that came with it: meeting other cool people with the same interest, metal chicks were a big part in the early years too. The early years we paid for everything we put in the zine by supporting the bands, buying the shirts, demos, LP's, EP's, pins, posters, all the goods right from them to review (not to get things for free). Not until labels like Roadrunner, New Renaissance, Steamhammer, RC and others got a hold of me somehow, still to this day I have no idea how.
Deathrasher #7 (courtesy - John Deathrasher)
For issue number 2 we changed the name to DEATHRASHER FANZINE. Being a long time fan of hard rock/heavy metal music (since 1970) I hooked up with Mad Mike (later changed to Madman Mike because of a gay video place called Mad Mike's Gay Videos, yeah we broke his balls for it). We were pretty much into the same type of music. We were like night and day. He was a black dude and I'm white. Not too many blacks around here was like the MAD MAN into thrash metal (I believe the other blacks made fun of him/beat him up in the ghettos).
Madman Mike. (Courtesy - John Deathrasher)
He had mentioned to me about doing a zine and showed me a flyer. So MadMan Mike became a main man for DEATHRASHER FANZINE as the writer / interviews. I put it together/thoughts and came up with the name DEATHRASHER. By no means was I or am I an editor, just a fan. We only printed about 100 copies of each issue (1 - 9).
Mike was kicked out of the zine for personal reasons, so he did not write for all of them. It was supposed to come out 4 times a year but never really happened. It was when ever we put it out. Most of them were really bad looking too. I had a young son so it was kinda hard to do both, sometimes as I lived a ruff kinda life before my son Todd was born in 1983. Todd wore Motorhead and Dio shirts as an infant and the funny thing about that is he later became a Motorhead / Dio fan on his own. I did not push my views on my son or anybody else for that matter (sounded to much like a religion to me).
Mike would get a shit loads of demos/test pressing and so on from a friend (Jay R) from NY, test pressing from Slayer 'Hell Awaits' and before the LP came out. Sodom's 'Pretenders To The Throne' (original name before 'Obsessed By Cruelty came out). We concentrated on DEATH, SPEED and HARDCORE (1984-1988 era). I really hated punk rock in my teens unless it was Iggy Pop or the Dictators etc.. Not till I heard Dr Know around 1984 is when I started to like hardcore punk music. My zine never really went anywhere but that is not why I did it or why I brought it back in 2005.
In 1988 I felt it was time to give it up. Scenes around here were dying and all the greats were putting out shit that I hated. Even though I'm not well liked I felt in 2005 I should bring it back and I met some really cool folks like you guys who I thank dearly for including me on this project. I also did a zine with Rob from Atrocity (CT) called DEATHRASHER'S BOOK OF THE DEAD 1 (all covers included for this special blog). Funny memories, driving up to see POST MORTEM in a hallway at a radio station. MAD MIKE had to drive up in the back of a pickup truck under a tent in pouring and I mean down pouring rain for the 3 hours driving from CT to MASS. He wanted to go and that was the only way to get there and being a die hard he did it. I believe that was in 1986.
Deathrasher's Book Of The Dead. (courtesy - John Deathrasher)
Another memory at the Enfield CT roller rink was seeing DRI in 1986 or so. Inside, some Billy Idol looking dude started shit with me and Madman fucked his shit up inside the roller rink. It ended up outside after the show and Kurt's (DRI) brother was hanging with us by our car partying and he pulled out a crowbar and said I'm with U guys. Eric I think his name was.
Haven't heard PTL KLUB? Fix that right now!!
In 1987 I put out the PTL Klub's 7" 'Nobody Cares Anymore' and it sold out the 1000 copies I pressed fast and was loved around the world. 1990 I vanished into thin air. 2005 I came back with a best of worst of, and since 2005 I came out with number 11 and 12 and awaiting number THIRTEEN (out in the Fall of 2010) with BULLDOZER, OZ, SACRIFICIAL BLOOD, MASSACRE, EXALTED, PILEDRIVER and maybe ATROCITY from CT. I am ending it after THIRTEEN.
John with the illustrious Piggy June 29 1986 @ Sneakers, Brandford CT. (Photo - courtesy John Deathrasher)
Hanging out with Voivod for the 1986/1987 shows was the best time of my life, my whole metal life (1970 - 2010). Hanging backstage at Sneakers in Brandford CT, eating Tom G's food, as he was pissed off in the corner, while Snake said to me "FUCK HIM, EAT JOHN!" Smoking hash in the back room of an in store appearance with Voivod and Tom G. aka Celtic Frost. The record shop owner let me and Snake go in the back room. Yes, I was the only one in the USA with HASH, I gave them CHUNKS hahahahah Awesome time, awesome people I say. At the show that night, the last Voivod song, the bouncer had me by one arm and Snake up on stage singing had my other arm. Yes they tossed me out. What a classic moment that was. I WAS THE HASH MAN BUT NO MORE, 1980's are long gone but not forgotten in my eyes and in The GLORIOUS TIMES aka Brian and Alan.
The Glorious Times of John Deathrasher!
*Thanks lads for participating, and thanks to Bob Plante for the kickass art!
The Glorious Times of John Deathrasher!
*Thanks lads for participating, and thanks to Bob Plante for the kickass art!
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