Alex was badly injured in a vehicle accident and needs our help towards medical expenses - please consider making a donation of any size.
Glorious Times has also been accepting donations through PayPal to
Glorious Times would like to thank everyone involved so far for their donations and offers of support towards such things as the ticketing and flyers courtesy of Black Bear Printing, raffle prize items courtesy of Butchered Records, Severed Records, Nuclear Blast USA and others to come.
Could you introduce yourself and Johnna and state your official positions within Caisson just so everyone knows who does what etc etc?
BRIAN: I'm Brian Troxell and I do a lot of the writing and directing while Johnna does the producing and most of everything else.
Johnna & Brian Troxell = CAISSON FILMS
What about you Maddie? You're a bit of an intrigue...
MADDIE: I’m a 15-year-old aspiring actress living in Orlando, Florida. I was originally born in Russia and lived there in an orphanage until I was adopted and moved to the United States. I’ve been acting in local, independent films for the last two years and I love it!
Maddie Bright - (photo by Dale Metz)
And of course Kam doesn't need an introduction here amongst the GT family haha Appreciate you taking part Kam, if people into this music don't know who you are then they need to go trade their CD's in for Ke-dollar-sign-huh?
Kam waiving the flag for good ol' Killjoy (and a Red Stripe hehe) at the Deep Seeded wrap up party.
How did the initial spark ignite to create Caisson Films? Could you share just a little background and inspiration?
BRIAN: We started a few years ago while watching low budget horror movies, It really appealed to us and we thought, "It can't be that hard..." Boy were we wrong!! We started out as Scruffy Ruffian productions. We wrote and filmed our own stuff. As we got deeper into it we realized if we were going to continue we needed to get better in all aspects. So we took on a more professional name,"Caisson Films" and started working with Paul Steward from 316 productions. Our production value immediately improved and we started getting into distribution.
Kam, were you familiar with Caisson Films before you were contacted for this role in Deep Seeded?
KAM: Not really... I knew of a few up and coming film companies in the area wanting to do horror films. There's a certain little NETWORK of these people, and it's a ever growing community of us freaks and maniacs. But personally I didn't know of Caisson off hand... No.
What was your first film Brian?
BRIAN: Our first film was called "Grieve", from writing to shooting to directing - we were clueless. But we took care of the cast and had a lot of fun and we learned a great deal.
Brian cutting up during day 5 of Deep Seeded filming
How do you choose which films to make (do you write the scripts for all of your films)?
BRIAN: We do our own writing. I like having that control. As far as choosing story lines its really all about what comes to us while were doing other things. Usually the plot comes to one of us but occasionally a great title will pop into my head and I will write around it.
The films - The Heart Of The Damned, Slip Of The Tongue, Spare The Rod, Zombians - how have the dvd's sold? GT has tried to encourage our people to support Caisson, grab your copies people and support grass-roots DIY ethic!
BRIAN: Heart Of The Damned and Slip Of The Tongue sold ok, not great, but we did see an income. Spare The Rod, which was the first thing we did with Paul Steward as our DP, sold very well. It got picked up by a company in Canada and then was sold to a TV station in Toronto. It was amazing receiving the check and being able to put it back into the company.
Hell yeah, we can really relate to that Brian! Now, we had thought that Zombians was aired at an indie film festival, what were the reactions, or are we off the mark here?
BRIAN: First off, Zombians was Johnna's brain child. She came up with the story line and I helped out on the script. We shot a short promo for it to see if it could garner some interest but the production costs were a little high. Currently its on the back burner although we have been in talks with some folks who could help it re appear. The promo did get screened but that was about it.
The new Caisson address!!
We can relate to that garnering of interest issue certainly, we faced identical problems with doing Glorious Times. It's a HUGE uphill battle when you're doing things outside of the accepted norm. We imagine running Caisson is a full time job, you guys put in more than regular work-a-day hours right?
BRIAN: Oh yeah, We just recently moved into our new office so we were able to get the business out of our house. Even when were not working on one of our projects we still keep busy. Right now we have a few Irons in the fire.
Maddie & Brian (Day 2 of filming)
Caisson has some really killer up and coming talent, to name Maddie Bright and Little Italy as just 2 (we don't mean to leave anyone out here of course) - how have you managed to locate them, just from general casting calls? Recommendations from others within the Caisson world or what? Can you tell us anything about some of the other work Maddie and LI have done that particularly appeals to you.
BRIAN: There is another film maker that we know named Kelly Weaver, he works a lot with the younger set, so we kind of got to know a lot of actors through him. Little Italy did a great job in one of Kelly's short films so we decided to bring her in on ours. Maddie on the other hand, was kind of an unknown to us but her look allows her to play 15 to 20 yrs of age with no trouble. She is very versatile and loves horror.
Little Italy & Maddie Bright-ening up the cast meeting July 2010
So there you go Maddie, Brian spilled the beans and reveals you as a horror fan - what sort of stuff do you like in the genre, and what other films rank high to you regardless of genre?
MADDIE: I really like horror films about unconventional killers and the psychology behind what they do. For example, I loved “Orphan”…not only because the audience thinks this young girl is killing all of these people, but because I thought it was awesome to see a film portraying a Russian orphan. I like pretty much everything in the horror genre with a few exceptions…I hate clowns and I hate paranormal-type stuff. Those two things really freak me out.
Maddie looks genuinely worried here in this behind the scenes shot during the filming of Freddy VS Jason VS Ash (part 2 of a fan-film trilogy)
A couple of notes from Maddie about this photo:
MADDIE: That's a behind-the-scenes pic from a film I recently wrapped called Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash. It's in post-production now and should be finished by May. It was a "fan" film, but it goes far beyond a typical fan film. The producer/director is Trent Duncan, a very, very talented and experienced filmmaker and the production values are really high. This film is the second in a trilogy. I played one of the lead roles, a character named Lucy who is haunted in her nightmares by Freddy. Freddy, Jason and Ash battle it out in the film. Amazingly, I wasn't killed in this film! I guess I get to make it to a sequel for a change!
Playing Jason in the photo is Cheyenne Hess, a very talented actor who is able to portray so many emotions with just a slight tilt of his head or hand motion. The girl holding my leg in the picture is Ashley Brooke, who played my older sister, Holly.
The film is already generating a lot of buzz in the industry and the first film in the trilogy, Jason vs. Leatherface, did very well at the horror festivals.
You can see more about it at the official facebook page:
Then we can safely state all of you are horror fans! Something we never actually got around to asking you way back in the old Ace's Records days Kam was what are your earliest memories of the horror genre? What's your earliest memory of a horror flick? How does that particular film stand up today to you?
KAM: Well for me it was first the monster films. I would have to say it was the original DRACULA with Bella Lugosi from Universal films. Back when I was about 6 years old... I got to stay up late on night with my Dad and watch this flick. My dad is a big fan of the old Universal Monster films... and I grew up watching a lot of those flicks with him when I was young. So that got me hooked on early horror films.
Although now - I prefer NOSFERATU silent film over the original DRACULA film. I still love the original DRACULA, but Max Shreck as Orlaf just has an eerie creepiness and total ugliness that Bela Lugosi's Dracula doesn't have. And for a silent film from the 1920's - still today it holds up as being just fucking creepy as hell!
1922 Movie Poster
I also grew up on Japanese Giant Monster films, like the GODZILLA movies... then later the HAMMER HORROR flicks and stuff from the 70's. But it was two films that really got me loving horror and gore - the original TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE and EVIL DEAD.
I got lucky to see the original T.C.M. at the drive in theater in 1979. My dad would take us to the Drive-In sometimes on weekends to watch Kung Fu films. It just so happened that the place was a huge Drive-In theater with like 7 screens. One of the screens was showing T.C.M. - and I was more interested on what was going on the screen in the lot next to us... then whatever kung fu flick was on the screen...So I ended up watching T.C.M. for the very first time - but not able to hear what was going on.
I also got to see for it's first time U.S. theatrical release - SHOGUN ASSASIN... because my dad is a huge Samuria movie freak, and he really wanted me to see this film with him. So all the gore and blood thing - I think I got kind'a weened into from all the violent kung fu and martial arts films I would watch as a kid.
And then four years later in 1983 - I got to see EVIL DEAD for the first time at another Drive-In theater, as well as the film PHANTASM when it first came out - at the same Drive-In... that along with GATES OF HELL (CITY OF THE WALKING DEAD), DAWN OF THE DEAD, ZOMBIE, FRIGHTNIGHT, DEADLY SPAWN, IT'S ALIVE 2, MOTEL HELL, and so many others.
That Drive-In was a place of worship for myself, Chuck and Rick back in the early 80's while we were in DEATH.
A huge influence, Evil Dead. This poster, signed by Bruce Campbell for Erik Rutan, hung in the infamous Roads' House basement lair of Ripping Corpse, Redbank NJ Nov/Dec 1990 (photo Alan Moses)
Then came the time when VHS came out, and we would rent whatever horror and gore we could our hands on. We would go to parties with a VHS tape copy of stuff like FACES OF DEATH or CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST and take over the peoples T.V.s and put in these ultra gore flicks and chase everyone away - or get KICKED OUT of the party. Haha!
Little Italy doing some partying of her own Deep Seeded shoot Day 5
It would appear that horror or psychological type films are the Caisson favorite, is that the genre/s you intend to continue to focus on or are you harboring stories of a different nature that you would like to see come to life in Caisson projects down the road?
BRIAN: We really enjoy that line of movies. I like the fact that with horror there are no borders. If you can dream it up, you can film it.
Deep Seeded Day 5 of shooting
Of course the new film Deep Seeded is/will be the main way most Glorious Times followers get introduced to Maddie Bright: what sort of material have you worked on previously so we can investigate the other sides to your acting?
MADDIE: I’ve done a lot of local horror films and I really love them even though I’m usually killed at the end. I’ve “died” in so many different ways! Right now, I’m getting ready to film two dramatic short films that will be challenging in a different way because they’ll require a wide range of really strong emotions. I’ve also been working on a reality series project for the last two years called In Search of Me Café. The show focuses on teen issues and current events.
Maddie's 'throat test'
We imagine this is something you've wanted to do for ages and ages as a fan of the genre Kam - perhaps even an outspoken critic of the genre. What sort of feeling was it for you having played music in front of so many for so long?
KAM: Yes... I always wanted to be in a horror film. Although I never thought my first film that I would actually be playing "the lead monster" in it... haha!
It is way different then "live performance" in music. For one, with music - you get about a 30 min. to 45 min. to maybe an hour of stage time. So when the show is over... it's done. You get to go and hang out afterwards with friends and fans, party, drink, get drunk, get laid... whatever. Then you just go back home, or if your out on tour - back to the bus and chill out. You pretty much have your band members... (maybe some road crew guys), another band might be sharing the bus, and tour manager, bus driver... and that's it.
Goofing off on Day 5 of shooting
On a movie set... you get there early - EARLY in the friggin mornings... like for me - for the prosthetic scar I had to have applied every day. I had to be there at 6 a.m. for make up. After make up, then you have roll call, and if lucky something to eat - breakfast - and then you are going over your script because sometimes there's stuff like - re-writes, or change of location, or different scene being shot today. All this set up time... and lot's of people behind the scene running around. You got grip people, camera people, light people, sound guy - and all these other crew members running around doing things... and with a horror flick with practical FX... then you have all the special FX people and their crew as well.
That's not counting the director - assistant director, assistant to assistant director and whatever. Then you have the actors and actresses for each scene... their own people who are with them, family members and friends. So unlike the time with music performances... where you have ONLY an hour of work... a shoot could last anywhere from 8 to 12 hours... or even longer. And you get really really really bored waiting around for your scene. At least I did...
I guess I'm the kind of person who likes to keep busy doing band business, and networking, and keeping up with things. I also game alot - Xbox 360... and watch a lot of horror flicks.
But when you're on a movie set... you are just waiting and waiting... and you never can really get into doing anything, because you could be called onto set at any moment.
Early Deep Seeded poster
Brian, what's your take on the now trendy 'torture porn' type films? Do you even consider that stuff 'horror'? We have a similar infection in our music scene with the advent of what the kids call 'pornogrind' which has little to do at all with the extreme ethics of the old scene, moreover appearing just an excuse to try to offend rather than exorcise creative demons.
BRIAN: Torture Porn is a really cool term. But personally, its not our thing. I'm sure there is a market for everything but if I show torture,nudity or blood I want there to be a reason for it. Were not going to get really graphic just because we can. There will always be those that will seek out the most controversial subject and exploit it for nothing more than attention.
Kam's about to decimate one of the interesting cakes made for the wrap party
If you could do a single new project Maddie, exactly as you hoped for, what sort of genre/story would it be? What's something really special to you that you'd hope to be involved with at some point in your career?
MADDIE: I would love to do a horror film where I’m not the victim, for a change. I’d love to play a dangerous, brutal killer. I’d also like to play a role that would require the use of sign language or martial arts. I’m fluent in American Sign Language and have a black belt in Karate and I’d love a chance to use either of those skills in a film.
Kam's getting the royal treatment
So Maddie, what was it like working for Caisson? They appear a very amiable group of people.
MADDIE: Caisson is amazing! They’re not only very nice people, they’re the most organized and professional filmmakers I’ve ever worked with. Everything is painstakingly scheduled and planned out in advance so that everyone gets to focus on doing the best job possible. I’ll be filming a short horror film with them next month and I can’t wait!
Hell yeah, well we're looking forward to learning more about this new short then, kick ass! Have you ever entertained the notion of delving into making music video at all Brian?
BRIAN: Yes we have, Paul already has quite a few to his credit but I would love to story board one and direct it.
Damn, we are already thinking of bands now hehehe
Kam you're no stranger to the stage and the creative process, but had you taken any acting classes?
KAM: No... but I've grown up around the stage. My family was in entertainment. My father was a stage performer. So I kind of felt from an early age I could do well performing in front of people. If you know me... those that know me close... know I'm NOT shy. I'm a pretty bold person, esp. when on stage.
Brian pretty much states that really it was taking your stage persona in front of the camera - is that a reasonable conclusion you think Kam?
KAM: Haha... that and a bit of my off stage persona as well I think. I don't think Brian and his crew knew just how fucking bizarre I really am in person...haha!
Off camera I joke around alot... I goof off and can act pretty goofy. On camera though, I tried my best to get forth my anger as well as my own creepiness. I think the scenes where I'm either really angry or creepy are probably the best scenes I did. I had some other difficult scenes to shoot. There's a couple of scenes where I had to kind'a cry and act like a child.
Well... this is NOT my own personal character in life.
I'm not really a person who shows emotion other than angst and anger. So in these scenes where my character is having these emotional break downs, and hearing his father's voice in his head, for me these scenes where the hardest to shoot. Mainly because it's sooooo different from my own real personality. However, the rest of the stuff... being a creepy dude, being a stalker, and being a freaky torturer... well that was all cake.
Speaking of cake...
It seems the old school death metal community that remains from the 1980's have really embraced Kam's involvement in Deep Seeded, and there's also interest by a much smaller fraction of the younger kids who obviously were not even born or just too young when our scene was starting to begin with, but like the music and respect Kam. How did you meet him originally?
BRIAN: I met him through the owner of CS Studios, Ashli Symanski, who also led the FX team on Deep Seeded.
Deep Seeded Promo Shot
Kam, let's hear your take then, how did you find out that Caisson was casting for Deep Seeded anyways? How did that all come about, finding out, making contact etc etc auditions, can you share a little about that adventure?
KAM: I'm good friends with the crew of C.S. Studios. They are the make up and special effects company that worked on DEEP SEEDED as well as a bunch of other horror films in the area. I happened to be hanging out with them one night and mentioned how I really wanted to do a horror film. I was more or less just thinking like a cameo appearence - or a small walk on role.
Ashli the main owner of C.S. Studios told me about Brian and how he was seeking someone for the role of a serial killer in his new upcoming full length feature. My horror punk band CRYPTIDZ - had just done a benefit show to raise some money for Caisson, and so Brian knew who I was... but only from my stage personna - as we never spoke anything more than a - "Hi - yeah I'm the vocalist - I'm in the band - THANK YOU."
When Ashli first told me about it... I was kind'a just joking and said to her... "Let him know I'm interested." - not even thinking I had a chance of getting the role. So Ashli got in touch with Brian the next day - and then the next thing I know everything was in motion.
A meeting was set up with Brian and his wife... we met up at the local Starbucks. He showed me a rough draft of the script.
He basically asked me one question I'll never forget:
"Are you comfortable around naked women and comfortable with torture scenes, blood and gore?"
I just had to kind'a laugh and say... "Oh yeah... naked chicks - torture scenes - blood and gore - HELL yeah, no problem." Haha!
What sort of reactions did Kam get when he was initially introduced to the rest of the cast and crew? He's a total icon in this music so it's interesting for us to know as life time fans of his music.
BRIAN: Thats funny, I know Maddie was afraid of him at first. But after everyone was introduced, a lot of the cast searched him out online and was able to get a good idea of who he was and what he brought to the project.
There you go Maddie, Brian's snitched again on you being a bit intimidated (for want of a better word) meeting up with Kam for the first time. How was that initial experience? Had you guys known much if anything about his background in music?
MADDIE: I was definitely a little scared! I saw his picture first and thought, “Oh no…this is the guy who’s going to slit my throat? This is the guy who’s going to pick me up and throw me around? He looks seriously scary!” Then I googled him and learned what a huge influence he was on the death metal music genre. But when I met him, he was awesome. He’s intense, but he’s a super cool guy. I like him a lot!
Kam & Maddie Deep Seeded shoot day 2
So Kam, how was it terrifying this little cherub Maddie to begin with and when did she see through the layers to get to know the down to earth dude we know?
KAM: I think the biggest 'goof' I did on set was mine and Maddie's first scene together. It was the abduction scene, I was to pick her up and spin her around and throw her into the back of a truck.
Well, first off - I had these huge FRANKENSTIEN boots on. My stage boots... and they are these really heavy leather GBX motor cycle boots... pretty damned hefty. She was just wearing flipflop sandles.
In the scene where I pick her up... we rehearsed it 3 or 4 times. And each time was pretty good. But then when we actually had to shoot the scene, I somehow stepped on her toe with those big ass boots. I couldn't even tell I was standing on her foot, and somehow I crushed her toe. We shot the scene, and the next thing you know - this poor girl is bleeding from her crushed toe.
I felt like such a heel. But she was a trooper... and she cleaned off her little crushed toe, put a badage on it, and was ready for the next scene. If that wasn't bad enough crushing her little toe... the next scene is where she had to struggle against me while I was forcing her into the back of the truck.
We shot it a few times... BUT Brian kept saying... "it doesn't look real enough. You need to really force her into the truck... push her really hard." Well... we got back into position... Brian yells "action" and she starts kicking. I grabbed her leg and went to push her into the truck... and "BAM!"
I pushed her knee right up into her nose! I mean really hard. I was like... "Oh shit!" You could actually hear the smack it made... and instantly tears came to her eyes.I know it had to hurt. I was surprised her nose didn't break. Now I really felt like such a jerk. I turned to Brian and was like "Duuuuddde... you told me to push her harder. Now look - first I crush the poor girls toe, and NOW I broke her fucking nose!"
I think though after that... and about a thousand apoligies, plus all my goofy off camera stuff, she got to see I wasn't such a demon as the character I was portraying.
How was Kam to work with from the standpoint of a director and someone basically new to the acting world?
BRIAN: Kam was great. This was something he wanted to do and he embraced the challenge. He's no stranger to performing, all we did was take his stage presence and put a camera on him.
The beginning of a little Ed Gein complex perhaps?
What do you think about the support for Caisson and Deep Seeded that is coming from basically Kam's following in a separate 'scene' if you will? How much support is there, are they going to bat for you?
BRIAN: Everyone has been fantastic. I have met and talked with so many of his fans and the support they are giving us is just great.
What about you Kam?
KAM: Well, from those that know about it - I think they are pretty excited to see it.
Another of the Deep Seeded trailer stills
Kam, did you end up having to maybe explain death metal or extreme music to alot of the cast and crew, so they could understand how your fan base would migrate to Deep Seeded due to your involvement?
KAM: I would say joking stuff like... "Now my fans are going to expect lots of gore... lots of blood, and lots of tits!" Although I really never had to explain too much about myself. Seemed that alot of the cast was pre-occupied with their parts. I would talk to the crew once in a while... but I think most of them had an idea of the kind of world I come from.
I would mostly talk about other horror movies ALL THE TIME!
It was fun at first... until people started talking about what kind of horror movies they wanted to make. For example: someone would start to say... "I have this cool idea for a horror movie...", and then they would say what their idea was. And then I would recant by saying... "it's already been done." And they would say "Really? What movie?" and I would then say whatever horror film their idea was from.
I think after a while though I made a lot of people feel really uneasy around me, only because they would be afraid to express any ideas out loud with me around. Mainly because I would just yell out stuff like - "Oh - people being planted in the ground and turned into food on a farm... ummm you need to watch MOTEL HELL!" - or - "What was that you said... dead people being made into dog food. Well, you might want to check out the flick THE CORPSE GRINDERS, although it's cat food in that film."
So people just stopped talking horror films around me after awhile... hahaha!
Kam at the July 2010 cast meeting
What do you think of this music form anyways Brian? How much exposure to do you have to it? Do you have any favourite artists from the GT era of extreme music, whatever styles?
BRIAN: Honestly, growing up I knew death metal existed but I never got into it. I listened to Anthrax, Thin Lizzy and Uriah Heep although I don't think they qualify.
Hell these days people think Hank Williams is extreme so, who knows anymore haha.
Do you have any interest at all in extreme music Maddie? What if anything have you heard? Brian's mentioned that many of the cast and crew did a bit of research online about Kam and just wondered if anyone listened to the music, what they thought etc.
MADDIE: I listened to some of Kam’s stuff when I learned he was playing Brad. I’d never heard anything like it before. It was scary, but cool. It sounded like a demon was screaming the lyrics!
Maddie & Kam at a cast meeting in July 2010
For guys like us at least, Kam is one of the truest icons of the extreme music scene, the original one, AND the legacy lives on. From acting standpoints, who does Maddie Bright admire or who's work really lays at the core of your interest in acting? Who's iconic to you?
MADDIE: When I think “iconic,” I think of someone who stood the test of time. Someone who remains relevant long after their work has premiered. Audrey Hepburn really fits that image for me. Something about her still resonates with people today. I especially like that she was her own woman, not a stereotype of other actresses of her time. She was elegant in the roles she acted and also in her own life. She used her celebrity for the greater good and traveled the world with UNICEF helping children in need.
For that matter what sort of music gets you going Maddie?
MADDIE: I like rap. Will your readers hate me?
We need to get you to some gigs Maddie hehehe
Deep Seeded Trailer Still in Brad's torture chamber
Care to relay a bit about Deep Seeded Brian, for those who may not know anything at all about it?
BRIAN: Its simply a story of a guy who has carried a grudge his whole life and finally decides to settle the score.
Kam day 5 of shooting, Little Italy's gonna get it.
How many days did Deep Seeded take to shoot and over all how long will the finished film have taken to make from absolute beginning to end?
BRIAN: We did it in 9 days. But over all its been almost a year. We started pre production in May 2010.
Are there any plans down the road for any projects that you are at liberty to divulge Kam?
KAM: I'm still looking to do more horror films. I've had some offers... one was to play a cannibal in a film being shot out in California, but I'm still waiting to hear more on that.
I think the film makers are trying to raise the funds for it, so until then, I'm kind'a just waiting.
We've lived well over half our lives with your vocals and lyrics Kam, any plans on writing your own horror movie script?
KAM: I have a few already... but my stuff is sooooo gory, sooo evil, and sooo sexually perverted that it turns the producers and directors off from the start. Plus my stuff is just fucking BRUTAL... that everyone that has seen the scripts or heard about them get turned off from the moment I start to tell them about it.
Seems my stuff is just too hard to pull off. No one is daring enough anymore to go for an unrated or NC-17 rating. Everyone wants their films to succeed, and no one is brave enough to make my stuff into films.
There are film companies out there putting out killer underground material though. I mean TOE TAG is a company that is brave enough to put out this kind'a material, however Fred Vogel usually writes his own scripts. Andreas Schnaas would be another film maker that would most likely do my type of horror film. I just gotta' submit my stuff more, and see what happens. I'm hoping that once DEEP SEEDED get's circulated a bit... that things will eventually come together.
It seems like there was A LOT of fun during the shooting of Deep Seeded - are there any particular stories or anecdotes from any of the proceedings that you'd like to share? Sort of like a GT memory but relating to that film, or hell, any other you've done that remains a fond memory.
BRIAN: It was a lot of fun. Stress levels run high as well but looking back everyday was a blast. Every time we got done with a body part or prop guts Kam wanted to take it home. I'm sure his fridge smells really good by now.
Kam's about to dispatch the littlest trooper?
MADDIE: Deep Seeded was a lot of fun, but it was really hard work, too! The torture scenes in the basement with Kam were brutal. It must have been over 115 degrees in there and we were all soaked with sweat. It was so sticky and smelly and disgusting! And so much blood! The floor was slick with it. After spending hours in there with my hands tied above my head it was almost a relief when I was killed and could rest on the floor!
That's just....KILLER....hehe What about you Kam?
KAM: For me personally... the GT moment would have to be me having some of my own music in the film. Some BONE GNAWER tracks being put into the film is a true GT moment for me.
Kam in studio for the Bone Gnawer album 'Feast Of Flesh'
You, Kam, actually took a copy of Glorious Times limited edition first print on set, which we were so happy about man. We're interested if anyone commented on it at all, good bad or indifferent.
KAM: I don't think anyone other then myself and Brian actually had the book. When it finally came time for the scene (which I don't know if the book actually can be seen at all in the shot.) Then Amanda Miller was handed the book by Brian. I think she thumbed through it a few times, and kept saying stuff like "I never knew that." When reading a section in between takes, but the book got man handled so much in the scene that it started falling apart.
For one... it was a hot muggy day, and the book was getting all fucked up. We had to do several scenes where Amanda had to jump up and snatch the book off the table... and by the time we did the damn scene like 20 million times... the book was a wreck!
Well we're happy to have offered up the sacrifice
On the whole it really appears as if this opportunity was a bit of a dream come true and the realization of a long time goal - we wish you all the best and will continue championing one of the greats in this music and Caisson who fucking rule in aiding and abetting in this killer opportunity.
KAM: Thanks! I hope my fans - GT fans and horror freaks like my work in DEEP SEEDED. I really do hope the day comes I can do my own horror flick, and give the fans and the world a look into a part of my own unique insanity!!
Brian, when do you expect the movie to be released and how will people be able to obtain their copy?
BRIAN: Currently we are eyeing a May 2011 release. We have 2 distributors interested in seeing it once its completed so hopefully it'll get picked up quickly. Once that happens it'll be at their discretion on an exact release date. I'm sure it'll be available on DVD and video on demand.
Very cool Brian, we'll be letting our people know when the film is ready, and of course doing our part to help with future announcements etc, GT is here for all of you. Can't thank you all enough for taking the time for GT, hell, even having a copy on the set which was a total doss. You guys are the real deal and we wish you the very best successes, Maddie, we look forward to great things from you too and forsee a wonderful future.
GT made it to the Deep Seeded shoot - thanks everyone!
As most people know by now, the Master US Tour for 2011 was canceled. Glorious Times was all set to bring them to Club Diablo in Buffalo NY on one of the early dates of the tour, and we've suffered along with the rest of the promoters and the band due to the cancellation.
While supplies last, GT is able to offer a special combo pack featuring the Master 'Slaves To Society'album on CD and the canceled US Tour 2011 T-shirt.
Combo pack pricing: $20 USD (plus shipping)
Shirt Only: $12 USD (plus shipping)
CD Only : $10 USD (plus shipping)
That's right folks, to celebrate the recent unholy nuptials of our good friend Pat Pagan (owner of Butchered Records), we've decided to extend the good will to you.
UNTIL APRIL 16 2011 - if you decide to purchase Glorious Times: A Pictorial Of The Death Metal Scene (1984-1991) revised & extended edition at the regular price for your world region - we'll throw in the Butchered Records CD release of your choice for absolutely free!
We'll eat the extra postage for you!
All you have to do is:
1. Visit the Butchered Records website
2. Select the Butchered Records CD release you'd like us to include with your order
3. Send your payment via PayPal to BY APRIL 16 2011
4. Along with your GT order be sure to include the Artist and Title of the release you want as our gift to you.