Holding much more blood sweat and tears than content hahaha (over 28,000 words and 204 photos never before seen) - this book is really a family photo album, consisting of ultra rare and for the most part never-before-seen photographs.
Cementing this together are testimonials and personal memories from many of those stalwart legendary figures who WERE THERE!
NO rehashed interviews, NO impersonal synopsis, JUST the real thing here folks.
I wanted to weigh in and say why I think this book is important.
You know how in your life, you often feel a lack of control? Other people telling you what to think, making rules?
Sometimes I tire of hearing a talking head or pompous journalist summarize reality, cutting it up into little bite-size pieces. I kind of wonder if I'm getting the full story.
"Glorious Times" gives you the full story by letting the bands and people in the scene back in the day tell you from their point of view. You can read them all and make up your own mind what to think, and you heard it from the horse's mouth.
Many people don't like the format because it's more chaotic and undisciplined, and as someone who writes journalistic pieces that give you a single narrative, I understand. But in this case we're dealing with a situation where primary source materials weren't recorded by big newspapers at the time. It's literally unknown history.
"Glorious Times" lets you explore that history in a convenient format through the words of those who were there, and I think that's perfect -- it's like venturing back in time to the biggest death metal party you've ever attended, and asking everyone there, "So what's it like to be one of the founders of death metal?"
DAM - Thanks Vijay, thank you for taking the time and thought to make those statements. If that isn't a feather in one's cap and a very informative comment for others to take into consideration....cheers!
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